Satan spiritual warfare

It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To

Satan secured the scepter of government in the earth from Adam by right of conquest. He has organized the present world system on his own cosmic principles:  pride, ambition, selfishness, force, greed, and pleasure. The world system—scientific, cultured, and elegant—is dominated by satanic principles, and beneath its deceptive veneer is a seething cauldron of ambition…

Our Tychicus

As a dirt poor boy in Charleston, Illinois, Richard went in to a used book store and bought a dilapidated book for six cents. He took it home and stitched it together wi th a needle and thread his mother had. And that was his Bible for the next several years. When Richard talked about…

Our Tychicus

Few men have influenced my life so much as Richard Riggins. He radiated something which made it impossible to merely say one liked him. One had to think of him in terms of love. As a dirt poor boy in Charleston, Illinois, Richard went into a used book store and bought a dilapidated book for…

Tom’s Example

At Winford Lee’s funeral in March, 2007 I asked Tom Woody, editor of this paper at the time, if he thought it would be suitable for me to write about Winford as my article for the April issue, which I had already agreed to write. Tom said it would be entirely appropriate. I thought of…

The Faith of Samson

Samson is the last of the judges in the book of Judges, and one of the most difficult to understand.  He did not use other men.  He worked solely by himself.  He did great feats of strength.  If he had been intended to raise an army, there would have been no need for the extra…

Loving Like God

John 3:16 has been called the golden text of the Bible, and with good reason. In it we are told of the greatest Giver, the greatest gift, the greatest love, and the greatest blessing. God so loved the world, because God is love (I John 4:8). Agape is the strongest term for the highest degree of love. God is agape. He seeks our good. He wants the best for us. “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. ” (I John. 4:10). “God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8).