The BIG Shutdown

Any time that a factory, or refinery, or mass transportation facility, or banking system, or even a major retail store shuts down, the lives of a certain number of people will be affected.  When the government of a powerful nation is shut down, it may not only affect the lives of the citizens of that…

God’s People, The Seed of Abraham

Editor’s Note:  Brother Dennis submitted this article as one possible interpretation of the passages he explores.  Your editor has included the article not as an endorsement of Brother Dennis’s interpretation, but as an interpretation worthy of consideration.  Your editor encourages the reader to study the matter further. We read in Romans 11:26, “And so all…

God’s People, The Seed of Abraham

Editor’s Note:  Brother Dennis submitted this article as one possible interpretation of the passages he explores.  Your editor has included the article not as an endorsement of Brother Dennis’s interpretation, but as an interpretation worthy of consideration.  Your editor encourages the reader to study the matter further. We read in Romans 11:26, “And so all…

I Have Seen God

It happened on one of our tours of the Bible Lands some years ago.  There is usually very limited rainfall in the Judean desert and down by the Dead Sea, but on this particular day there was an unusually torrential rain.  Our tour bus was traveling southward along the west side of the Dead Sea. …

The Five C’s in Salvation

There is no one word adequate to fully explain the plan of salvation.  The Scriptures mention so many different things on both God’s part and man’s part that together are involved in our salvation.  Certainly, we cannot be saved without God’s grace and our faith (Ephesians 2:8).  Nor could there be salvation without the sacrifice…

How Long, O Lord, How Long?

For thousands of years now men have known that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sins.  The story has been told from generation to generation that God assured Abraham that He would not destroy Sodom if ten righteous souls could be found there, but alas, there were not even ten.  Angels, appearing as…