Goodbye Death Valley recounts the author's trip through Death Valley and spiritual lessons he derived from the experience.

Goodbye, Death Valley

A wagon train reached the top of a mountain pass, and was prepared to descend into the valley below. One man of the party turned for one last look at the valley they had just left, and waving his hand with a gesture of great relief, cried, “Goodbye Death Valley.” This wagon train was composed…

Worshipping God consists of four types: vain, ignorant, will worship, and the only acceptable one -- true worship in spirit and truth.

Worship God

There are two words in the book of Revelation that echo a solemn warning, give forth a plaintive plea, and point humanity in the right direction. Those words are, “Worship God”—Revelation 19:10. In the second chapter of Acts, the gospel invitation was given by Peter and the other apostles, and 3,000 souls obeyed the truth. This fact…

The Endless Activity discusses the vibrant early Christian devotion to spreading the gospel, joy, and salvation through the Scriptures.

The Endless Activity

The holy Scriptures are brought to the reality of an endless activity which brought joy and spiritual well-being to the children of God in the early days of Christianity. The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God—I Corinthians 1:18. The…

The Humanity of Christ explores the mystery of Christ in the flesh, revealing Himself, setting the perfect example, becoming our High Priest

The Humanity of Christ

And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth—John 1:14 Perhaps to many the incarnation of Christ, is the greatest mystery of the entire Bible, the one fact hardest to understand, and yet the…