Times of Restoration

Times of Restoration

The book of Joshua ends with the death of Eleazar, son of Aaron. Phinehas, his son, succeeded him as high priest. Phinehas is best known for decisively ending God’s punishment of Israel for their unfaithfulness with the Moabites. God praised Phinehas:  Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned my anger…

the law legalism

How to Use the Law

Teaching in higher education for ten years taught me that you cannot assume people will do what’s obviously right, and they will not admit to understanding what is obviously wrong. When people are left without marked boundaries to exercise their own free will, they will defy their own conscience, ignore any sense of right and…

Satan spiritual warfare

It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To

Satan secured the scepter of government in the earth from Adam by right of conquest. He has organized the present world system on his own cosmic principles:  pride, ambition, selfishness, force, greed, and pleasure. The world system—scientific, cultured, and elegant—is dominated by satanic principles, and beneath its deceptive veneer is a seething cauldron of ambition…