The Truth

The Truth

The expression “My truth” is a point of view. It is an assertion rejecting reality. It is a means of trying to have things our own way. “My truth” is an offspring of humanism.  It is a declaration that our observation is the only thing that matters. It closes the door to further discussion and…

We create stumbling blocks when we give little-to-no thought to how our words and actions impact our fellow Christians.

Stumbling Blocks

Everybody likes to be encouraged. The feelings that come from being encouraged can often last a lifetime.  It is not uncommon for people who have lived a good long life to happily remember back to an encourager that they knew when they were a child.  Encouragement makes an impact.  It is also looked on very…

"Commandments of Men" warns Christians about the dangers of creating rules and laws for ourselves rather than listening to Scripture only.

Commandments of Men

One sure way to offend the Creator is to start creating laws for Him. Jesus said in Matthew 15:8-9, “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Traditions…

"Power in the Blood" considers how Christ's sacrifice impacts justification, salvation, redemption, and personal transformation.

Power in the Blood

There is Power in the Blood.  How many times have we sung that song? For me, it has been numerous.  How often do you think about the words of that song and what they mean in your life?  What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with…

The purpose of the church is to glorify and worship God, strengthen Christians, uphold the truth, and preach the gospel to the lost.

The Purpose of the Church

One of the unfortunate consequences of a splintered and divided Christendom is the general disagreement about the purpose of the church. Some want church to be a Spirit-fueled rock concert. Others want church to be a group therapy session where hurts and sorrows are shared and feelings affirmed. Still others see the church as a…

The number three appears throughout Scripture.

Bowling for Turkeys

When I was going to college (some years ago), I was a rather introverted, socially-awkward, young and callow fellow. So to push my boundaries, I joined a bowling league.  This experience helped me to become the introverted, socially awkward, old and callous fellow I am today. In the league, I learned that it was absolutely…

The wrath of God

A Redacted God

Imagine the appeal of a drive-thru church tailored to fit today’s culture: “Welcome to McChurch’s, where you can have Him your way. May I take your petition, please?” “Hello, yes, I’d like to order a Savory Savior Burger with extra blessings and a side of forgiveness. Um. . . better super-size that this week. Oh,…

Race Relations

Race Relations

Race relations is a dominant topic in our national discourse. American society is flooded with theories, movements, and protests, all demanding extermination of institutionalized racism and injustice. These waves of activism press us with difficult questions: Does racism persist in America? Is institutionalized racism real? What causes differential outcomes between ethnic groups? This article aims…