Discover the power of "decent exposure." Learn how honesty, courage, and exposure can lead to self-improvement and spiritual growth.

Decent Exposure

Exposure is the experience of or contact with something. It could be a physical element or a social association. It is usually not a friendly term. Exposure is often used to articulate something bad or excessive such as radiation exposure, over or under-exposure, or even indecent exposure (something lewd, immodest, or criminal). But we want…

Sovereignty and chance

Sovereignty and Chance

The sovereignty of God is one of the basic tenets of our faith. To be sovereign means that God has the power and authority to do anything He wants that does not violate His nature ( lying, sin, etc.) and that He is in complete control of his creation. His sovereignty stems from the fact…

“Precious” and “Death”

“Precious” and “Death”

All of us have special people who have made a great impact on our lives. For many of us, Marvin Ingle was such a one. This summer, he went to his reward, but he lives in our hearts until we meet again. Marvin was a pillar in the Lord’s church, serving as an elder, then as an evangelist in Iowa and Indiana. Countless people learned of the gospel through his teaching and were brought to the Lord.


Often throughout history, God’s people are called to overcome, and the current times seem to strongly call us to that. It is easy to miss how closely the reality of biblical lives parallels what can occur in ours and, in so doing, we diminish the modern contained in the journeys of the old saints. We fail to see that, in the midst of their distresses, they exhibited some of their greatest worship.

Is Hell Necessary?

Those of you reading this article probably already believe in the reality of both heaven and hell. Therefore, I enter this discussion not trying to convince you or answer the question, “Is there a hell?” Rather, I would like to consider a further question: “Why is there a hell?” Is it really necessary, and how…


At the recent Eminence campout, I came upon a chance conversation with three younger men. We shall call them by their initials: A, R and C. During the course of our conversation, predestination came up. One of the young men grabbed his Bible and we looked at passages in Romans 8 and Ephesians 1. I…

Profanity or Praise

We live in a time when the LORD’s name is taken more in profanity than in praise. Most reading this article will think that we seldom, if ever, use the Lord’s name in profanity or swearing.  But what about using it with little thought for its deep meaning (taking it in vain via casual or…

Your Ship Has Docked?

A windfall comes your way. Your ship comes in. What do you do? How would you use it? With increasing frequency I am asked by and hear brethren talking about retirement or an inheritance. Often the question is asked, “What will I do when I retire?” or “What should I do with retirement?” Or, these…

The Straw Man of Atheism

The term “Straw Man” as defined by Webster is “a weak argument or opposing view set up by a debater so that he may attack it and gain an apparent victory.” A common argument of atheism used to try to refute the existence of God is one such “straw man.” It’s sometimes called The Problem…