end times hope

The Eternal Optimist

When Jesus was in Jerusalem with his disciples just a few days before he was betrayed and condemned to death, he had a conversation with them about the troubling times that lay ahead. He warned of unrest among the Jews that would lead to the catastrophic destruction of the temple in Jerusalem along with much…

sin no more

“Go and Sin No More”

Thus, Jesus spoke to a woman caught in the act of adultery. Her accusers wanted to corner Jesus with this woman who had been so accused. This is recorded in John 8:1-11.  Through His ministry, Jesus put the leadership of Israel on notice concerning the righteous mercy of God and their own unrighteousness. Consider these…

my friend

This is My Friend

One hundred and forty-three years ago, a fellow named Charles W. Fry wrote a hymn entitled “The Lily of The Valley.” The opening line is, “I have found a friend in Jesus; he’s everything to me.” That sentiment of friendship with Jesus turns up in quite a few Christian songs,  singing of “friendship with Jesus,…

The Hope of the Gospel

The Hope of the Gospel

What is the hope of the gospel of Christ? The hope of the gospel is not about living your best life now. It’s not about health, wealth, peace, and prosperity. It’s not even about friendship and fellowship. It’s not about this life, this planet, or this physical body. If the hope of the gospel is…

The Truth

The Truth

The expression “My truth” is a point of view. It is an assertion rejecting reality. It is a means of trying to have things our own way. “My truth” is an offspring of humanism.  It is a declaration that our observation is the only thing that matters. It closes the door to further discussion and…

"Power in the Blood" considers how Christ's sacrifice impacts justification, salvation, redemption, and personal transformation.

Power in the Blood

There is Power in the Blood.  How many times have we sung that song? For me, it has been numerous.  How often do you think about the words of that song and what they mean in your life?  What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with…

The number three appears throughout Scripture.

Bowling for Turkeys

When I was going to college (some years ago), I was a rather introverted, socially-awkward, young and callow fellow. So to push my boundaries, I joined a bowling league.  This experience helped me to become the introverted, socially awkward, old and callous fellow I am today. In the league, I learned that it was absolutely…

We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

More Than Conquerors!

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37). To get a full understanding of what this truly means, one needs to read Romans 6–8. This promise is to those who have responded to the Gospel call, being buried, united with Christ through immersion into death, set free from…